ETX Undergraduates Showcase Their Research at the 2024 URC
At the 2024 Undergraduate Research Conference, eight undergraduate students shared their findings from hand-on learning in ETX research laboratories. Seniors Sara Chin and Aman Singla from the La Merrill lab presented research on how phthalates may change the proliferation of human breast cancer cells and the development of a model of pyschosocial stress in human breast cancer cells, respectively. Tina Truong, from the Nicklisch lab, presented her research on the design of a specialized culturing vessel aimed at exposing marine mussels to the algal biotoxin Okadaic Acid under controlled environmental conditions. Working in the Pasparakis Lab located at Bodega Marine Lab, Emma Pacheco and Jasper Jacobs researched connections between eye size and ecological niches in Brown Rockfish, and Harriet Hughes documented how increased temperature exacerbates effects of oil exposure on fish development. Sophomore Emily Richter, in the Poulin Lab, investigated interactions between two toxicants, selenium (Se) and mercury (Hg), in silverside fish from the San Francisco Bay Delta. And Zixin Huang in the Rice lab evaluated how chemicals from woodsmoke can cross-link heme proteins. Congratulations to the great showing of research by our undergraduates!