A Note to Graduating Seniors
Graduation Newsletter: February 26, 2019
To officially graduate from the University, remember to file an application with the Registrar's Office. For information about Filing to Graduate and filing deadlines, please see the UC Davis Registrar’s page: http://registrar.ucdavis.edu/registration/leave/graduate/
In order to walk in the CA&ES Commencement Ceremony, please visit https://www.ucdavis.edu/commencement/register-walk to register. For general information about CA&ES Commencement, please see caes.ucdavis.edu/students/current/commencement

Order your cap and gown from the UCD Bookstore if you plan to walk in commencement: http://ucdavisstores.com/SiteText.aspx?id=20000 (See Cap and Gown Rentals and choose the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences in the drop-down menu.)
Preliminary Degree Check: If you are within two quarters of graduation, it is recommended that you submit a Preliminary Degree Check form to the CA&ES Deans Office (150 Mrak Hall). The degree check is a detailed review of your transcripts looking at GE requirements and all college and university requirements. You may access the Preliminary Degree Check forms at: https://caes.ucdavis.edu/students/advising/academic-planning/forms. Print out the form, complete the top portion and submit it to the Deans Office in person.
If you want to meet with a CA&ES Academic Counselor regarding your degree check (optional), call (530) 752-0108 to schedule an appointment.
Departmental Graduation Certifications are an accounting of all of your preparatory and major core course work, including restricted electives. Please make an appointment with your faculty advisor to approve and sign-off on your Restricted Elective list no later than the first quarter of your senior year. Please send the Undergraduate Student Advisor, Erica Cefalo, an email (etoxadvising@ucdavis.edu) within two to three quarters of graduation letting her know that you plan to file to graduate. She will schedule a time to meet with you to review your study plan.