ETOX Undergraduate Handbook

Environmental Toxicology Undergraduate Handbook


The Academic Program Advisor and Peer Advisors are available to answer any questions that you may have, and faculty advisers are available to help you plan out a specific course of study. To speak with an adviser, please make an appointment via e-mail or drop by during office hours. 

Advising Services

ETX Faculty Advisors 

Matthew Wood 
4247 Meyer Hall 
(530) 754 – 2271  
Robert Rice 
4243 Meyer Hall 
(530) 752 – 5176       
Andrew Whitehead  (ETX Department Chair) 
4121 Meyer Hall 
(530) 754 - 8982   
Tran Nguyen 
4113 Meyer Hall 
(530) 754 - 5987 
Michele La Merrill  (ETX Lead Faculty Advisor) 
4245 Meyer Hall 
(530) 754 - 7254 
Qi Zhang (ETX Minor Advisor) 
4251A Meyer Hall 
(530) 752 - 5779

Undergraduate Academic Program Advisor 
Erica Cefalo  
1086 Academic Surge 
(530) 754 – 9796 

Areas of Emphasis

Ecotoxicology & Environmental Chemistry 
Topics include chemical fate, transport, and degradation, as well as ecology, wildlife, and aquatic toxicology. 

Forensic Science & Regulatory Toxicology 
Topics include forensic science, environmental policy and management, and public health. 

Molecular & Biomedical Toxicology 
Topics include medicine, pharmacology, veterinary medicine, food toxicology, and biotechnology. 

Student Designed Option 
Students can construct their own area of emphasis under the explicit direction of their faculty advisers, 

Related Areas of Study

  • Aquatic Toxicology 
  • Biology (Marine, Biochemistry)
  • Chemistry
  • Environmental Science
  • Land, Air, Water Resources
  • Epidemiology
  • Food Science
  • Forensic Science
  • Hydrology

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Environmental Toxicology? Environmental Toxicology – the science of toxic chemicals, the useful as well as the deleterious – is a relatively new academic field. However, its historical roots are ancient and its application, significance, and importance are in evidence daily. 

Hardly a week goes by without hearing about a chemical that may potentially threaten our health—pesticides and other toxic substances in the food we eat, pollutants in the air we breathe, chemicals in the water we drink. How do these chemicals work? Are these chemicals really dangerous? What are the effects of chemicals? Cancer? Birth defects? Ecosystem damage? Finding scientifically sound answers to these very important questions is what toxicologists do using the most modern chemical and biological techniques available. 

Environmental Toxicology combines elements of biology and chemistry with many other disciplines to help us understand the impact chemicals have on environmental systems and in living organisms. The basic science of toxicology studies the cellular, biochemical, and molecular mechanisms by which a chemical produces toxic effects, but also uses chemicals as tools to study basic biological processes important to the health and well-being of humans and the environment. The applied science of toxicology evaluates the effects of potentially toxic chemical and physical substances in whole animals and target cells and uses the knowledge gained to extrapolate potential effects on humans and other organisms of concern. 

Who should major in ETX? 

With the diversity of majors available to undergraduates at UC Davis, the choice can be overwhelming. This major generally attracts individuals with a desire to study both chemistry and biology. It is not, however, simply a biochemistry major; rather students will apply their knowledge of biology and chemistry to real-life issues. Environmental Toxicology students learn to approach science and its affiliated social problems (eg. chemicals in the environment and the consequences of exposure to people, environment, and other organisms) with scientifically and socially integrative perspectives, rather than from just theoretical and microscopic perspectives. 

The Environmental Toxicology major is not limited to just those interested in the environment. The flexibility of this major gives students a biochemical background from which they can focus on their own areas of interest, whether it is law, forensic science, medicine, applied chemistry or applied biology.

The Road Less Travelled

Many students do not realize that Environmental Toxicology can prepare them for professional study in:

  • Dentistry
  • Forensic Science
  • Law
  • Medicine
  • Nursing
  • Pharmacy
  • Veterinary Medicine

Degrees outside of more traditional majors can help pre-professional students stand out from the rest of the crowd.

Due to the major’s interdisciplinary nature and flexibility, students are prepared to excel in a variety of professional fields. Students pursuing professional degrees are strongly advised to speak with both pre-professional and academic advisers to ensure fulfillment of pre-professional course requirements.

Career Opportunities

There are no specific career paths Environmental Toxicology graduates must follow. Because of the flexibility of this major and the diversity of courses available, past graduates have entered a variety of fields, including medicine, law, industrial, and environmental chemistry, aquatic toxicology, and pharmacology. Rather, career paths depend on one’s creativity, specific interests, and motivation. All students are required to complete a set of core courses, yet the curriculum also allows students the flexibility to pursue individual interests, including the study of the environment, environmental regulations, or the health of living organisms, including humans.

Mussel Collecting ETOX


Research and Advanced Degrees

University graduates interested in adding to the body of scientific knowledge or in pursuing specialized areas of interest opt to obtain advanced degrees (M.S., Ph.D.). Often, advanced degrees increase an individual’s ability to advance in a field and to compete in the job market. Past graduates have entered a variety of post-baccalaureate programs:

  • Agricultural & Environmental Chemistry
  • Aquatic Toxicology
  • Biochemistry
  • Biomedical Science
  • Chemistry
  • Environmental Toxicology
  • Forensic Sciences
  • Epidemiology
  • Food Science

For information on post-baccalaureate degrees (M.S./Ph.D.) and programs, please meet with your faculty advisor and obtain information on electives.

Career Development and Internship Opportunities

  •  The campus hosts annual career fairs in environmental, biological, and physical sciences.
  • Internship and career information are available at the Internship and Career Center (
  • The Internship and Career Center also offers a variety of workshops on writing resumes and on interviewing skills.
  • Graduate and Professional school advising and information is available at:
    - Health Professions Advising (

    - Office of Educational Opportunity and Enrichment Services: Pre-Graduate/ Professional School Advising (

Career Trajectories

Industry and Consulting
Environmental Toxicology graduates have gained employment in the private sector as chemists, toxicologists, risk assessors, lab technicians, managers and consultants in pharmaceutical corporations, biotechnology firms, and in environmental consulting firms.

Environmental Toxicology graduates have become leaders in expanding scientific knowledge in academia as researchers, professors, instructors, and other academic staff at public or private colleges and universities. A Bachelor's degree in ETOX is the perfect launch pad for graduate education and post-grad careers.

Government Agencies
Environmental Toxicology graduates can play vital roles in mediating anthropogenic effects on the environment through policy. With an Environmental Toxicology degree, individuals can work in governmental and regulatory agencies including, but not limited to:

  • Federal AgenciesState Agencies
    • Army Corps of Engineers (USACE)
    • California Environmental Protection Agency (Cal EPA)
    • Department of Agriculture (USDA)
    • Department of Fish & Game (DFG)
    • Department of Energy (DOE)
    • Department of Food & Agriculture (DFA)
    • Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA)
    • Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA)
    • Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
    • Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)
    • Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
    • Geological Survey (USGS)

    Those interested in utilizing research skills may choose to become forensic toxicologists, others utilize their skills to set and enforce environmental regulations.

Transfer Student Information

Transfer students have more complex scheduling needs and should see the staff adviser right away to verify course and unit articulations and to plan a workable class schedule.

Things to Remember:

  • For immediate assistance on articulation agreements, please visit the following website:
  • With the proper planning and preparation, it is possible to finish the B.S. in Environmental Toxicology in two years.
  • Because Environmental Toxicology courses are offered once a year, it is extremely important to complete prerequisite courses. In order to graduate on time, it is strongly recommended that students complete the core chemistry, math, and biology courses prior to transferring to UC Davis.
  • In order to fulfill the English requirement, the English courses taken at a junior college must articulate to courses at UC Davis.

The Bachelor of Science (B.S.) Degree

The Bachelor of Science degree in Environmental Toxicology is awarded to students completing a rigorous four-year program encompassing the physical sciences, biology, and mathematics, along with specialized courses in toxicology. During the first two years, students take course work in physics, calculus, chemistry, statistical and computer analysis, biological sciences, and select environmental toxicology classes. After the second year, students begin a series of upper division courses in biochemistry, physiology, and environmental toxicology, along with electives tailored to fit the area of specialization within the major selected by the students and their academic advisers.

Among the Environmental Toxicology offerings are (1) an introductory principles course that discusses the biological and environmental occurrence and significance of pollutants, pesticides, food additives, and natural poisons; (2) a two-quarter sequence emphasizing toxicant transport, accumulation, breakdown, and analysis, including, in the second quarter, a laboratory on techniques of sampling, sample preparation, and identification of toxic substances; and (3) a two-quarter sequence on the biological effects, metabolism, and disposition of toxicants within living organisms, including a second-quarter laboratory to demonstrate techniques for identifying and quantifying harmful effects of chemicals. Other courses emphasize the legal aspects of environmental toxicology, air pollutants and inhalation toxicology, chromatography, health risk assessment, exposure assessment and other special topics.

Further practical experience can be gained by participating either in research projects or in internships with government agencies and private laboratories (for which University credit is available). Courses in written and oral expression, social sciences, humanities, and unrestricted electives round out the program.

ETX graduates Spring 2019

ETX graduates Spring 2019

Major Program in ETX

ETOX Courses

Quarter Units

Preparatory Subject Matter73-74
Biological Sciences (BIS 2A-2B-2C)15
CHE2A-2B-2C or 2AH-2BH-2CH and 118A-1118B-118C or 128A-128B-128C+129A
Mathematics – Calculus (MAT17A-17B-17C or 21A-21B-21C)12
Physics (PHY7A-7B-7C)12
Statistics (STA100, 103, 104, 106, or 108)4
University Writing Program (UWP101 or 104 E)4
Depth Subject Matter34-39
Genetics and/or Biochemistry (BIS101-102 or 102-103)6-7
Environmental Toxicology ETX101, 102A-102B, 103A-103B
AND 2 upper division ETX courses of your choice from the following list (ETX 104, 111, 120,128, 130, 131, 135, 138, 146, 180) OR ETX127
Area of Emphasis
Electives selected for area of specialization with Adviser Approval
CA&ES Written/Oral Expression
See College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences English Composition
General Education/Breadth Subject Matter Satisfaction of General Education requirements to include courses selected to complement the major; courses in agricultural economics, environmental studies, political science, psychology, and sociology for example.36 (approx)

Minor Program in ETX

Total Unit Requirement: 18-26 units

Required Courses:12
ETX 101 Principles of Environmental Toxicology4
ETX 102A Toxicants in the Environment4
ETX 103A Biological Effects of Toxicants4
Elective Courses: Choose 2 courses6-14
ETX 104 Nutritional Toxicants4
ETX 120 Aquatic Toxicology4
ETX 111 Introduction to Mass Spectrometry3
ETX 127 Environmental Stress & Marine Organisms10
ETX 128 Food Toxicology4
ETX 130 Toxicology in Modern Industry3
ETX 131 Air Pollutants and Inhalation Toxicology3
ETX 135 Health Risk Assessment of Toxicants3
ETX 138 Legal Aspects of Environmental Toxicology3
ETX 146 Exposure and Dose Assessment3
ETX 180 Chemistry and Toxicology of Metals4

Course Abbreviation Key
ABI = Animal Biology
ANG = Animal Genetics
ANT = Anthropology
APC = Anatomy, Physiol. & Cell Bio.
ATM= Atmospheric Science
ANS = Animal Science
BIS = Biology
BIT = Biotechnology
CHA = Cell Biology and Human
Anatomy (School of Medicine)
CHE = Chemistry
EME= Mechanical Engineering
ENG= Engineering
ENT = Entomology
EPI = Epidemiology (Graduate Group)
ESM= Enviro. Sci. and Management
ESP = Enviro. Sci. and Policy
ETX = Environmental Toxicology
EVE = Evolution and Ecology
FAP = Family and Community
FPS = Fiber and Polymer Science
FST = Food Science and Technology
GDB = Global Disease Biology
GEL = Geology
HIS = History
HYD = Hydrology
IDI = Internal Med-Infectious Diseases
MCB = Molecular and Cellular Biology
MIC = Microbiology
MMI = Medical Microbiology
and Immunology
NPB = Neurobiol., Physiol., & Behav.
NUT = Nutrition
PLB = Plant Biology
PLP = Plant Pathology
PLS = Plant Sciences
PMI = Pathology, Microbiology, and
Immunology (School of Vet. Med.)
POL = Political Sciences
PSC = Psychology
SPH = Public Health (School of
SSC = Soil Science
VEN = Viticulture and Enology
WFC = Wildlife, Fish, & Conservation Biology

ETX Emphases

The ETX Emphases are designed to give you a chance to explore a chosen area of the major more thoroughly and give you a broader sense of the material covered in the core ETX courses. Upper division courses from both ETX and other departments on campus are recommended with these goals in mind.

ETX majors are required to choose 12-16 units of Restricted Elective courses in an Emphasis area. Each student meets with his/her faculty advisor to discuss these choices and obtain approval prior to taking the classes. Courses other than those listed below may be used with faculty advisor approval. Six Pass/No Pass units may be used toward the Restricted Electives requirement including one or more of the following type courses: ETX 199 (special study in a lab), ETX 192 (internship), ETX 190 (seminar). Similar courses in other departments may also be approved by your faculty advisor.

*** Note: Each student must obtain approval signature on their Restricted Elective Course List and turn it in to the staff advisor no later than the first quarter of senior year.

Ecotoxicology & Environmental Chemistry

Courses in Biology, Environmental Science and Policy; Wildlife, Fish, Conservation Biology; Chemistry; Hydrology; and other areas are brought together in this emphasis to give a better understanding of how different environments function, how chemicals move through them, and what organisms those chemicals affect.

Aquatic Toxicology:
ETX 120—Perspectives in Aquatic Toxicology—4 (W) (odd years)
ETX 127—Enviro. Stress & Develop. in Marine Organisms—10 (SS1) - BML*
ETX 180—Chemistry & Toxicology of Metals—4 (S) 

BIS 122/122P—Population Biology and Ecology—3 units (S) / 5 (S) - BML*
ESP/GEL 116N—Oceanography— 3 (W) (even years)
ESP 151/151L—Limnology—4 (S) / 3 (S)
ESP 124—Marine and Coastal Field Ecology—3 (SSII) - BML*
ESP 155/155L—Wetland Ecology—4 (F) / 3 (SS1)
NPB 141/141P—Physiological Adaption of Marine Organisms— 3(S)/5(S) - BML*
WFC 120—Biology and Conservation of Fishes—3(F)
WFC 122—Population Dynamics and Estimation—4 (S, irregular)
** BML = Bodega Marine Laboratory 


ETX 198-003—Evolution in Human-Altered Environments—3 (S)

ESM 120 — Global Environmental Interactions-- 4 units (W)
ESP 100—General Ecology—4 (F,W,SSII)
EVE 101—Introduction to Ecology—4 (F, W, S)
GEL 130—Non-Renewable Natural Resources—3 (F, S)
PMI 127—Medical Bacteria and Fungi —5 (S)
WFC 122—Population Dynamics and Estimation—4 (S, irregular)
WFC 151—Wildlife Ecology—4 (F)
WFC 154—Conservation Biology—4 (W)

Chemical Fate:

ETX 111 - Introduction to Mass Spectrometry — 3 (W)
ETX 180—Chemistry & Toxicology of Metals—4 (S) 

ATM/ENG 149— Air Pollution—4 units (F)
ATM 160—Introduction to Atmospheric Chemistry—4 (W)
CHE 100—Environmental Water Chemistry - 3 (W) (alternate years)
CHE 107A/B—Physical Chemistry for the Life Sciences— A: 3 (F) / 3 (W), B: 3 (W) / 3 (S)
CHE 115—Instrumental Analysis—4 (F, W)
ESM 100—Principles of Hydrologic Science--4 (F)
ESP/GEL 116N—Oceanography—3 (W)
HYD 134—Aqueous Geochemistry—6 (S)
HYD 141—Physical Hydrology—4 (F)
HYD/ENG 144—Groundwater Hydrology--4 (F)
HYD 146—Hydrogeology and Contaminant Transport--5 (W)
MIC 102/103L or 104L – General Microbiology- 102: (F,W,S) 103L: (F,W,S) 104: (F)
MIC 105—Microbial Diversity—3 (W)
SSC 100—Principles of Soil Science—5 (F)
SSC 102—Environmental Soil Chemistry-3 (W)
SSC 107—Soil Physics—5 (F)
SSC 111—Soil Microbiology—4 (W)
VEN 123—Analysis of Musts and Wines—2 (F)

Forensic Science and Regulatory Toxicology

Courses in Environmental Science and Policy, Physiology, Law, Psychology, and other areas are brought together in
this emphasis to give a better look into the legal and regulatory side of toxicology with focus on environmental
law, forensic science, and public health.

Environmental Policy and Management:

ETX 135—Health Risk Assessment of Toxicants—3 units (F)
ETX 146—Exposure Assessment—3 (S)

ESP 160—The Policy Process—4 units (S)
ESP 161—Environmental Law—4 (F, S)
ESP 179—Environmental Impact Assessment—4 (W, SSI)
POL 150—Judicial Politics and Constitutional Interpretation—4 (F, W Alternate)
PSC 153—Psychology and Law—4 (S Alternate)

Forensic Science:

ANT 153—Human Genetics: Mutation and Migration—5 units (F, W)
CHA 101/101L—Human Gross Anatomy—4 (W,S) / 3 (W,S)
CHE 104 — Forensic Applications of Analytical Chemistry— 3 (F)
EME 161—Combustion and the Environment—4 (F)
ENT 158—Forensic Entomology—3 (S)
ETX 110—Toxic Tragedies—2 (W, SS1)
FPS 161—Structure and Properties of Fibers—3 (F)
FPS 161L—Textile Chemical Analysis Laboratory--1 (F)
NPB 101/101L—Systemic Physiology-5 (F, W, S) / 3 (F, W, S)
NPB 168—Neurobiology of Addictive Drugs—4 (S)
PLB 102—California Floristics—5 (S)
PSC 153—Psychology and Law—4 (S)

Public Health:
ETX 140 — Genes and the Environment —3 (W Alternate)
ETX 110—Toxic Tragedies—2 (W, SS1)

BIS 101 — Genes and Gene Expression — 4 units (F, W, S)
FAP 195 — Health Care to Underserved Populations-1 (F,S) GDB 101—Epidemiology — 4 (W)
GDB 102 — Disease Intervention and Policy — 4 (S)
HIS 109B— Environmental Change, Disease and Public Health-4 (F)
IDI 141—Infectious Diseases in Humans—1 (F)
MCB 162— Human Genetics and Genomics—3 (F)
MMI 130—Medical Mycology—2 (W alternate years) MMI 188 — Human Immunology—3 (S)
PMI 126/126L—Fundamentals of Immunology-3 (W)/ 2 (W) PMI 127—Medical Bacteria and Fungi—5 (S)
PMI 129Y— One Health Fundamentals (Human, Animals and Environment Interfaces -3 (F)
SPH 101—Perspectives in Community Health—3 (W/S)
SPH 104—Globalization and Health: Evidence and Policies—3 (F)

Molecular and Biomedical Toxicology

Courses in Biology, Microbiology, Biotechnology, Nutrition, Food Science, Physiology, Biochemistry, and
other areas are brought together in this emphasis to give a better foundation in the biological effects of
toxicants, effects and behavior of pharmaceuticals, and medicine.


ANG 111—Molecular Biology Laboratory Techniques (Animal Genetics)--4 units (F)
BIS 102—Structure and Function of Biomolecules—3 (F,W,S)
BIS 103—Bioenergetics and Metabolism—3 (F,W,S)
BIS 104—Cell Biology—3 (F,W,S)
BIT 160—Principles of Plant Biotechnology—3 (W)
BIT 161A/B—Plant Genetics and Biotechnology Labs—6 (W) / 6 (S)
BIT 171—Professionalism and Ethics in Genomics and Biotechnology—3 (F,W,S)
NPB 101/101L—Systemic Physiology— 5 (F,W,S) / 3 (F,W,S)
MCB 121—Advanced Molecular Biology 3 (F,W,S) MCB 126—Plant Biochemistry—3 (W)
MIC 102/ 103L or 104L--General Microbiology- 102: (F,W,S) 103L: (F,W,S) 104: (F)
MIC 140/155L—Bacterial Physiology—3 / 4 (offered irregularly)
MIC 150—Genomes of Pathogenic Bacteria —3 (offered irregularly)
MIC 162—General Virology—4 (W)
PLP 140—Agricultural Biotechnology, Public Policy—4 (S)
PLS 152—Plant Genetics —4 (F)
PMI 128—Biology of Animal Viruses—3 (S)
PMI 126/126 L—Fundamentals of Immunology—3 (W) / 2 (W)

Food Toxicology:

ETX 128—Food Toxicology—3 units (S)
FST 100 A/101 A—Food Chemistry—4 (F) / 2 (F)
FST 100 B/101 B—Food Properties—4 (W) / 2 (W)
FST 103—Physical and Chemical Methods for Food Analysis--4 (W)
FST 104/104L—Food Microbiology—3 (W) / 4 (S)
MIC 102/ 103L or 104L--General Microbiology- 102: (F,W,S) 103L: (F,W,S) 104: (F)
MMI 130—Medical Mycology—2 (W alternate years)
NUT 111AY—Introduction to Nutrition and Metabolism—3 (W)
NUT 111B—Recommendations and Standards for Human Nutrition—2 (S)
NUT 112—Nutritional Assessment—3 (S)
NUT 114—Developmental Nutrition--4 (W)
PLB 111—Plant Physiology—3 (F)

ETX 140 — Genes and the Environment —3 (W alternate years)

CHA 101/101L—Human Gross Anatomy—4 units (W,S) / 3 units (W,S)
BIS 101— Genes and Expression—4 (F,W,S)
IDI 141—Infectious Diseases in Humans—1 (F)
MIC 102/103L—General Microbiology--3 (F)/ 2 (F)
NPB 100—Neurobiology—4 (F,W,S)
NPB 101/101L—Systemic Physiology 5 (F,W,S) / 3 (F,W,S)
NPB 102—Animal Behavior—3 (F,S)
NPB 113—Cardiovascular, Respiratory, and Renal Physiology—4 (offered irregularly)
NPB 114—Gastrointestinal Physiology—3 (F)
NPB 121/121L—Physiology of Reproduction--4 (W)/1 (W)
NPB 140—Principles of Environmental Physiology—3 (W)
NPB 168—Neurobiology of Addictive Drugs—4 (S)
PMI 126/126L—Fundamentals of Immunology--3 (W)/2 (W)
PMI 127—Medical Bacteria and Fungi—5 (S)


BIS 103—Bioenergetics and Metabolism—3 units (F,W,S)
BIS 104—Cell Biology—3 (F,W,S)
CHA 101/101L—Human Gross Anatomy-4 (W)/ 3 (W)
CHE 130A/B Pharmaceutical Chemistry--3 (W) / 3 (S)
EVE 112/112L—Biology of Invertebrates—3 (W) / 2 (W) (even years)
IDI 141—Infectious Diseases in Humans—1 (F)
MCB 120L—Molecular Biology and Biochemistry Laboratory—6 (F,W,S)
MCB 121—Advanced Molecular Biology—3 (F,W,S)
MCB 123—Behavior and Analysis of Enzyme and Receptor Systems—3 (F,S)
MIC 102/ 103L or 104L--General Microbiology- 102: (F,W,S) 103L: (F,W,S) 104: (F)
NPB 101/101L—Systemic Physiology 5 (F,W,S) / 3 (F,W,S)
NPB 103 —Cellular Physiology/Neurobiology—3 (S)

Veterinary Medicine:

ABI 102*—Animal Biochemistry and Metabolism--5 units (F)
ABI 103*—Animal Biology—5 (W)
ANG 107—Genetics and Animal Breeding—5 (F,W)
ANG 111—Molecular Biology Laboratory Techniques--4 (F)
APC 100 —Comparative Vertebrate Organology—4 (F)
MCB 150—Developmental Biology—4 (W)
NPB 101/101L—Systemic Physiology 5 (F,W,S ) / 3 (F,W,S)
NPB 121/121L—Physiology of Reproduction—4 (W) / 1 (W)
NUT 123—Comparative Animal Nutrition—3 (S)
PMI 126/126L—Fundamentals of Immunology- 3 (W)/2 (W)
PMI 127—Medical Bacteria and Fungi—5 (S)

*ABI 102 and ABI 103 are substitutes for BIS 102 and BIS 103, which are requirements for the ETX major. Talk
to the major advisor if you have taken/plan to take ABI 102 or 103 instead.

Student Designed Emphases

Students can construct their own area of emphasis under the explicit direction of their faculty advisors.
Please direct any questions you may have to ETOX Academic Advisor Erica Cefalo, 1086 Academic Surge,

(Note: The number of units and the time classes are being offered are subject to change every quarter.)